Creative Options
We're not just an agency, We're advocates!!
About Us...
Mission Statement
Through integrity and supports tailored to meet the needs of each individual, we strive to walk beside and protect individuals with developmental disabilities by helping them live their best life through advocacy, inclusion and independence
~Updated and designed by Creative Options direct care staff
The vision of Creative Options is to work as a team to create a quality environment in which the following values are embraced:
*Everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
*Individual strengths and abilities are recognized.
*People are enabled to fulfill their maximum potential as contributing members of society.
*The right to pursue lifelong learning opportunities in natural settings is encouraged.
*Responsibility is taught, shared, and expected.
*Social, physical, and emotional needs are addressed.
*Everyone is encouraged to interact in a dynamic partnership.
*Person centered planning is espoused, meaning nothing is decided "about me without me".
*Government and private resources are used effectively and efficiently..